
Great Websites for Kundalini Yogis
3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization): This is the place for inspiration - from kriyas to recipes, to lectures from Yogi Bhajan, to videos, and info on the summer and winter solstices. 

The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings: The actual audio and video classes of Kundalini Yoga Master Yogi Bhajan. This searchable database contains thousands of hours of recordings, transcripts, Kriyas, and meditations

Yogi Bhajan - A Teacher for the Ages: The history and stories of Yogi Bhajan.

Spirit Voyage:  Love the music in your yoga class? This is a great resource to listen to and purchase music and more from the Kundalini Yoga community worldwide.

Ancient Healing Ways: Yogi Bhajan did not share just Kundalini Yoga. He shared with his students a wealth of culinary and healing resources from India. This website is a great place to purchase herbs and books on healing. Yogi Bhajan was a practicing Sikh, and integrated many of the Sikh spiritual teachings and Kirtan into the Kundalini Yoga practice he shared. This website is an incredible resource of Kirtan, lifestyle and community of Sikhs worldwide.

White Tantric Yoga: Yogi Bhajan became the Mahan Tantric master in 1970 and began leading White Tantric Yoga courses. Today there are courses throughout the year, including in Portland every two years. Curious about White Tantric Yoga? This is a great source to find a course or learn more.

Kundalini Research Institute (KRI): If you're interested in becoming a certified Kundalini Teacher or taking advanced, personal growth courses, KRI is the place. KRI is the home of the Aquarian Teacher, the Trainer Academy, and The Source an online resource for books, manuals and recorded teachings of Yogi Bhajan.